Friday, February 29, 2008

Utility Closet - Check

It's been a busy week here for me. I was on call for work, so it meant that the lines between working and not-working times were a bit blurred. In the meantimes, I was able to just about finish off the utility room closet. I hung most of the shelving. I have to buy one more bracket for the shelf supports to go on the right side of the closet and then cut some shelves to fit the width of the closet. But then it's DONE! I also removed the bulky folding door that took up half the utility room when opened and replaced it with a folding accordion-style door. It's a little cheesy, but it does the job. Since all the shelving is hung from the walls, I'll have some space on the floor to put laundry baskets, which will be nice.

I got a little further on the hounds-tooth bag that I mentioned before. The pattern is just starting to emerge, I can't wait to finish it and get it felted and see how it turns out.

Meanwhile, here's my snow-crazy dog. We got lots of snow this week, and he loved bounding through it. You can see his "tracks" in the snow. When there's fresh snow, he makes a few tracks and then follows those until it all melts.

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