Friday, February 22, 2008

Guitar Hero saps your willpower

It's been a busy week, but we've come to the weekend! yay! This week was lots of work, lots of schoolwork, Dad & Eleanor over for dinner, and some running around.

I stopped by Home Depot on my way home from work today and picked up some supplies to finally make something of my utility room closet. It's not bad, it works, but the paint is all nasty yellowed like somebody used it as a smoke room, and the shelving just doesn't work. My nicely ironed clothes touch all the cleaning chemicals, I don't like that... So my plan is a fresh coat of paint (leftover paint from the hold house), some new shelves along one side and a bar for hanging clothes on the other side. Brad's out of town all next week for work, so that means projects for me!

I had planned on getting some things done around the house tonight (maybe even start on the closet), but instead I gave Dugan a bath and then settled into some GUITAR HERO while he chowed down on a soup bone. He really loves those and left me alone for a good hour. I'm totally kicking Brad's @ss at this game. finally, a video game for me! All those years of music school is finally paying off.

I'm trying to talk Brad into heading to a casino in West Virginia for a quick 1-day birthday trip tomorrow, but not sure how that will go, I'll let you know. Roulette table, here I come....maybe.

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