Sunday, February 24, 2008

Done with the green

I took the utility room closet apart this afternoon. I had picked up some paint from the old house and got half the closet painted and realized that it looks really atrocious. It's a cool color in a room that you can accessorize with curtains and pillows and sundries, but in a closet it just looks like the sad ancient olive green stove left behind by a previous home-owner. So I'll be heading to Home Depot here soon just to get some plain white paint. I'm usually against white, but for the closet maybe it will just look clean and fresh. Yeah, that's it.

We didn't do the casino thing yesterday, insead we went to a yarn store, a tool store, and out to lunch at Willoughby brewing company. We got home and watched a movie, and Dugan and Stanley got comfy. So CUTE!!!

I started a hounds-tooth felted bag, pics coming on that once it has some shape to it.

Mom was over as well, she's a wiz at the tax thing from dad's rental business, so I feel like we have a handle on the craziness that is tax season now. Yay!

Brad's out of town this week :-( But at least that means I have GUITAR HERO all to myself...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Who'da'thunk they'd cuddle up like this???