Saturday, May 31, 2008

Coming soon...

I've been tied to the house this week due to being on call for work, so I have lots of new stuff to post, but it's too late to do it tonight and my brain just hurts from work. So watch for lots of projects here soon.

(mittens, socks, sweater, swirl hat, lace project)

Sunday, May 11, 2008

No Mittens

Oh, yeah, I was going to make a set of mittens...except it didn't quite work out. I bent a few of the ribbing needles (and they're not cheap!) and broke the yarn at least once. I'll have to go back to square one on that project.


Happy Mother's Day! Brad and I had a very nice day with Mom. She came over and we had Cheesecake Factory for dinner (yummie!) and then she helped me make a diaper prototype. I can't believe how unbelievably SWEET it is. I'll do some testing to see how much water it holds and how well it stays dry on the outside, and then pass it along to my friend Janel to have her use it on her newborn, Wolfi, and give me feedback. It took me most of the day to cut out a bunch and make one, but I think it will get quicker as I go. The worst of it was trying to figure out what the directions were talking about....

Friday, May 9, 2008


I finally figured out the ribber on my sock machine. There are three dials on the tappet plate to make adjustments. I had made adjustments to 2 of the 3, the third didn't seem like anything that would affect anything. But, I turned the screw and, lo and behold, I had RIBBING! So tonight's project is a pair of mittens with some leftover yarn I have. Hopefully I'll have something that looks somewhat like a mitten to show you in a few days...

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Tired, tired, tired

Brad and I were not very productive yesterday at all. We had planned all sorts of yard work and cleaning, but ditched all our plans due to rain and exhaustion. We've been on the run for WEEKS now, so it was nice to have a day to just chill out. We went to see IRON MAN in the morning, hung around the house some, took a 2-4 hour nap (Rachel - 2, Brad - 4). Got up, watched some TV, and went back to bed. We really needed it.

Today I spent at church, visiting the adorable new WOLFI, and taking down half of the garage shelving from the old house. I also loaded up the Element with all kinds of random crap still there. At home I helped do some weeding so that Brad could put down mulch. Turns out 2 yards wasn't enough. Oops. We'll get more later.

After chilling for awhile, I'm off to try to figure out the ribbing attachment on my knitting machine. I'll let you know how it goes.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Cute set

I finished the hexagon sweater, it looks much better with the smaller edging. The set together is just too cute! But now time to find a new project.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Rippin' out the edges

I ended up ripping out all the ribbing I had done around the edges of the hexagon sweater. Once I started casting off I realized that there was just too much yarn for that area. But hopefully this time it will go faster since there are 33% fewer stitches :-) I've found that with this pattern, it's not so much about following the pattern as understanding what it should look like when it's done.

In looking for more patterns for my sock machine, I somehow came accross this entire weird cloth diaper (disposable diapers are evil) sub-culture society. And I bought into it. So I'm thinking that I'll start making some cloth diapers for when Brad and I eventually have kids. Just so I'm prepared. If for some reason we don't have kids, I can always sell them. He'll think I'm crazy, but maybe I won't tell him. After all, he claims I promised 2 crazy-free years counting from the date of our wedding. All I remember is that I told him I was saving the crazy for until after we were married. But I digress.

Here's a free one that seems to be the most recommended:

And here's the one that looks the most technically sound (using some interesting fabrics for the outer shell):

And this one looks interesting since the same size should fit newborns as toddlers:

Please, really, don't ask me how I choose my obsessions.

Now I just gotta get my hands on a surger.